This morning I (along with everyone else from MOC) did a POL (presentation of learning) where I presented to a group consisting of students from HTH, teachers from HTH, teachers from MOC and teachers from Israel. In the presentation I spoke about what I have taken away from the week, what I'm taking home to MOC and presented a project that I am thinking of creating.
· Put people first programs second, if you give the program (curriculum) to the teachers that they have to teach, they have no ownership over it.
· The expectations at HTH on the teachers are the same for the students especially in critiquing (Kind, Helpful & Specific).
· Know what is the final product going to look like (do it before the kids, this I didn’t agree with but I have changed my mind over the week)
For my own practice and taking it back to MOC (lead from behind)
· Not enough reflection in my classroom
· I don’t communicate expectations early enough (all the time).
· I need my students to be able to field questions (all the time).
· Reflect on how students get to their final product.
· We need to put on better exhibitions and presentations of Learning (POLs)